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Pumpkin (George Foreman) is lost!

Lost Date September 29th, 4:31pm
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 83 Peevers Crescent, Newmarket, ON, Canada
no collar but has implant so vet can trace our phone number.


pet found at marker location on map

Pumpkin (George Foreman)

Pumpkin (George Foreman), a orange and white Mixed Breed Cat
Tag Code L3YBTXM, L3Y2J9Z, JC3F6 (Expired)
Breed Mixed Breed
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour orange and white
Gender Male
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number 982000363961284
Pet Date of Birth 05/06/2013
Identifying Markings White tip on tail,
Coat orange and white
Pet Biography Pumpkin was adopted by us when he was 18 months. He is always careful around strangers. Pumpkin is very intelligent and will never miss a meal.

Owner Information

Owner Name Joann Dera
Phone Number (905) 505-1790
Email Address jsd5462@gmail.com
Home Address 83 Peevers Cres
Newmarket ON L3Y 7T2

Pet Care Information

Friendly with People Yes
Type of Food Crave Dry cat food no fish just chicken, duck ect...
Feeding Schedule and Amount 1/2 cup each at breakfast and dinner
Permissible Foods dry only, does not like treats or human food.
Exercise Requirements loves the outdoors
Other Care Instructions for my Pet Pumpkin is very independent unless he's hungry, then he will nag you and nip your heels if you ignore his feeding. He does drink a lot of water. Does not like going in his litter box, but will tolerate it if necessary.

Medical Information

Vaccines all necessary vaccines given each year.
Medications none
Allergies none
Conditions Very healthy and active .
Veterinarian Hillside Veterinary Services

(905) 895-6065